
November 17

The Internet contributed £100 billion to the UK economy in 2009, according to study


A recent study commissioned by Google and created by the Boston Consulting Group has determined that £100 billion has been contributed to the UK economy thanks to the Internet. That according to the report reflects 7.2% of GDP. The report is interesting because even Google admits regarding the Internet as a mighty factor in economic growth that prior to this report “no one has ever quantified who, how, why, where and what was behind this growth”. Here are a few more interesting points from the report:

  • The UK is the number one country in the world for e-commerce
  • The Internet economy is expected to grow by 10% each year
  • Businesses that have embraced the Internet have seen four times the growth in sales vs. businesses that do not properly leverage the Internet

I have to agree, many businesses which are truly leveraging the Internet are experiencing tremendous growth despite the current economy. Are you truly taking advantage of this powerful marketing and sales tool for your business?

You can read more about this study here: Connected Economy

…and here’s an interesting video regarding this study.


economic growth online, online business

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