
October 4

Google Analytics Is Going Real-Time


Great news! Google recently announced they will be providing real time results within Google Analytics. This will enable marketers, social media managers, and others to see in real time the direct results of their campaigns and make any necessary adjustments. This was a long time in coming but a welcome addition to this already powerful site analytics tool.

Google will be rolling this out over the next couple of weeks for all users but for now you’ll need to opt-in to the real time version by clicking the “New Version” link which is found at the top right of your Google Analytics account. Look for the Dashboards tab and you will find Real-Time reports. If you do not see them there you’ll need to either sign up with Google for early access or wait until it shows up in your account over the next few weeks.

I’ve personally been waiting for this for a long time as there have been other tools that provide real time stats but were either lacking the rich data found within Google Analytics or did not integrate well with other Google products such as Google AdWords. We are looking forward to using this tool to further optimize our campaigns and increase sales revenues for our customers.

Click the following link to learn more about Google Analytics Real-Time: Google Analytics Real-Time


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